Magnificent Monday: Cap Is the Champ!

Greetings, Comet Nation!

That was one heck of a thrilling battle in the NSAA Mascot Challenge, wasn’t it?

At first, we had to face 2 teams in a three-way contest in the quarterfinal round, combating both Presentation College and Waldorf University.

We came out ahead with a 314 to 291 to 201 win over PC and Waldorf, respectively.

In the Semifinals, we faced off against the Jimmies from the University of Jamestown. That was an extremely closely fought battle as well, bringing back memories of classic basketball battles between the two schools.  In the end, we marched into the championship game with a 470 to 450 win by only 20 votes!

In the Finals, it had all the markings of a classic: Two state schools, both started at the same time, both with heated rivalries between them for decades.  Yep, it was another Mayville State vs Valley City State battle! This time, its for the Mascot Challenge crown, and Comet Nation came out in full force!

The battle waged early in the voting when it began on Friday.  VCSU took a good lead, only to see MSU surge ahead within a couple of hours.  It seemed to lock up in a 50/50 battle that ensued for most of Friday and with VCSU holding a 51% to 49% margin on Saturday.

Comet fans came out in full swing though, tweeting and retweeting and retweeting some more, drawing us neck to neck with our foes in a 50/50 even split.

When the smoke cleared and the buzzer sounded, it was Captain Comet with the victory, 777 to 776!  A simple vote added by ONE awesome Comet fan to decide the tourney!

Captain Comet wants to THANK YOU for all your support in this exciting social media blitz of a tournament!

From Al Larson to Tex Holden and all the others who have donned a cape and mask and just plain got SUPER-EXCITED with Comet Pride to cheer on our Comets throughout the years, this is YOUR victory!

We’ll really need your support now, as the National NAIA-SIDA Mascot Challenge begins today (Monday, April 9th) and we’ll face off against other conference champions nationally.

Look to Twitter soon on when to vote and start Retweeting away to spread the word about Mayville State!

Once again, THANK YOU, COMET NATION!  YOU are the true CHAMPIONS!

Hail To Our Comets!


Captain Comet


Author: capcometmsu

Advisor for Mayville State Newman Club, the "Comet Catholics".

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