Comet Athletes: The Twins & Team USA? Yes!

Greetings Comet Faithful!

Some exciting news has happened with the Comet Baseball and Softball teams this week. One involves a former baseball player here, and the other involves an incoming player on the softball team.

Nick Anderson, an MSU baseball alum, just signed a professional contract with the MN Twins organization, and will report to the Cedar Rapids Kernels soon.

Check out what our site has to say about it HERE.

The other great news is that an incoming freshman softball player, Allie Doll, from Perham, MN, will be playing for Team USA in Italy this summer! You can check out the latest news on her in both newspaper articles and on TV, through our site as well, right HERE. The news story on WDAY is here: VIDEO

It’s a great week for Comet Athletics – the news of these two athletes, plus the start of Comet Football this week, and Comet Volleyball this weekend when players start arriving, it’s a Great Week To Be A Comet!

– Captain Comet

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Throwback Thursday: An Early History of Physical Education at Mayville State

Greetings Comet Faithful!

While on duty for Comet Territory, I sometimes make my way into the Larson Leadership Center on campus, home of the Mayville State University Foundation, and a host of historical resources. What better place is there to go for some material to share for a “Throwback Thursday”?

I found the 50th Anniversary edition of Mayville State’s yearbook, which had an interesting recap on the history of the Physical Education department here. PE and Athletics grew hand-in-hand here, and the connection continues today, as showcased in yesterday’s blog post on the Lewy Lee Fieldhouse renovations. It’s not just an expansion of athletics, but also a big expansion for the ever-growing fitness, wellness, and sports management majors who are entering those fields.

The recap is worthy of sharing in its full form: taken from the 50th anniversary edition of “The Mill”, below.


“Physical Education has throughout the years had a prominent place in the curricula of the Teachers College at Mayville. In the fifty years of the life of this school, there have been several different programs of physical education for the young men & women. Each program has aimed to give students that type of training which would prove beneficial to them personally and which would serve them later as teachers.

In the records of 1892 is found the statement, “Systematic training in light gymnastics is given to all students. The advantages of such training to their health and bodily carriage is unquestioned.” This program is quite different from the one offered today, yet in it is found the beginning of our present-day curricula. Today the health of the young men and women is cared for not only by giving ‘light gymnastics’ but by giving a well-rounded and carefully-planned scientific program which takes into consideration every bodily function and makes for the coordination of the whole individual.

A first the entire physical education plant was housed in Main Building (note: Old Main on campus today, in the basement by the mailroom is what I’ve been told) and it consisted of rooms now used for the science laboratory and social gatherings (this is now classroom space for the Nursing program). The south room which was the men’s unit was used for an apparatus gymnasium. The north room was an open floor space where the women practiced drills and physical education exercises. Some of the instructors in the college acted as part time supervisors, but no one person was responsible for the entire physical education program.

(A photo of the first gymnasium, inside today’s current Old Main building)

old main gymnasium

In the early years, physical education at MSTC was confined mostly to inter-class competition. The men played only a few games with other schools. In 1906, the State Teachers College joined the North Dakota Inter-collegiate Athletic Conference. A regular schedule of games for the members was set up, and this plan is still followed. At this time it was found necessary to construct an athletic field, to build two tennis courts, and to increase the seating capacity of the gymnasium by adding bleachers along the south wall. M.N. Pope became instructor in geography and supervisor of the improved program of physical education. He continued in this position until 1913.

From 1913 to 1924 the men in charge of the physical education program also taught in other departments of the college. Some of these instructors were Conrad E. Tharaldson, M.B. Stone, Emory Z. Gregory, Olaf Christiansen, M.G. Sateren, A.M. West, and Sylfest Orwell.

The physical education program for women was also carried on for many years by a part-time instructor. The last one of these was Wilma Gline, who directed physical education and taught ‘expression’.

In 1924 Harrison Kaiser came to the college as the first full-time director of men’s physical education. In the same year Frances Horak was employed as the first full-time director of the women’s physical education department.

During the years which followed, interest in athletics increased. The facilities afforded by the gymnasium in Main Building became inadequate and in the spring of 1930 a new gymnasium was constructed (this actually began in 1929). The equipment of the new gymnasium and the athletic field, the tennis courts, the swimming pool, and the May-Port golf course offer excellent opportunities for participation in physical activities to both men and women.

In the fall of 1930 two new physical education directors came to the college – Lewy Lee for the men, and Helen Westfall for the women. In 1934 Anna Uglum followed Miss Wesftall as director for women’s physical education, and in 1937 she was succeeded by Miss Dorothy Safford.

(Lewy Lee, who the Fieldhouse is named after)

Lewy Lee

During the last years intra-mural contests have become an important part of the physical education program. In the fall of 1938, a minor in physical education was included in the curricula. In this 50th anniversary year plans have been made and the first spade of ground has been turned for the construction of an amphitheater (Note: Currently this is Jerome Berg Field on our campus). This will add greatly to the facilities for athletic events.”

– End of PE history perspective from 50th anniversary annual

I hoped you enjoyed this retrospect from the early years of Mayville State’s Physical Education & Athletics. It’s legacy is deep rooted in our campus and continues on today.

Until next time, tell everyone that it’s a “Great Day To Be A Comet!”


– Captain Comet


New Fieldhouse Project Moving Forward for Mayville State

Greetings Comet Faithful!

In the last blog post, I mentioned the progress being made on the Lewy Lee Fieldhouse projects.  These upgrades include:

3 new classrooms where the previous ’29 Gymnasium once was.

A new locker room for Football, located where the old 3 Fieldhouse classrooms were.

A new office section for faculty, coaches, and athletics staff.

A new Performance Center & Lab for the HPER Division, adjacent to the Fieldhouse and Wellness Center.

Here are some photographs of the construction so far:

new classrooms old gym

Above is the new construction of classrooms where the ’29 Gym once was. The racquetball courts are still in place, racquetball fans.

new performance center 2

This is the new look of the Performance Center and Lab.  Comets of the very near future will become bigger, faster, stronger Comets inside here, and also learn how to become better, smarter trainers, coaches, and leaders in the fitness & sports performance fields.

Mayville State has always developed great coaches and leaders in the fitness & sports performance field throughout it’s long history of athletics & physical education. A new center such as this will keep our college moving forward by having a cutting-edge facility to develop & educate these students in the HPER Division.

new office space

This is the beginning of the new office spaces on the NE corner of the Lewy Lee Fieldhouse. For those familiar with the Lewy Lee, you will enter into the offices where the former athletic training room was at in the NE corner. The athletic training room will now be relocated to the stage area on the west end of the Fieldhouse.

new locker room

For those familiar with the former classrooms on the North end of the building, this is a snapshot of the hole they had to make in the wall to remove things from inside. Also along the north side, the former Hall of Fame section will also be relocated to the south side hallway of the Fieldhouse.

This is going to be a long process, but things are moving along well. There are also other upgrades that will be taking place inside the Fieldhouse. Another locker room will be constructed where the current office spaces are for the athletic director & a few coaches.

Comet Nation will have a new look in and around the Lewy Lee Fieldhouse by the end of March next year.

MSU President Gary Hagen just had an article on these upgrades and construction progress for his weekly article series in the Traill County Tribune.

Did you know that over 29,000 bricks are a part of this entire project?

You can read about it here: President Hagen’s Article

Until next time, Comet Nation: Let everyone know that it’s a Great Day To Be A Comet!


– Captain Comet

The Captain Comet Chronicles Begin!

Greetings, Comet Faithful!

It’s Captain Comet here, coming to you from an undisclosed location on the campus of Mayville State University in Mayville, ND.

Welcome to the Captain Comet Chronicles: an exciting blog of the happenings of all things at Mayville State University. I’ll be updating the blog (aiming for something each week) with news and views from good old “Cometville” here at MSU. I want to say a big “Welcome” to MSU Alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and family/friends of the students here at MSU!

Comet fans are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Fall season of sports on tap for our college. We are less than 4 weeks away from the beginning of Volleyball and Football.

Comet Volleyball will begin their season on the road, starting August 28th down in Orange City, Iowa at the Northwestern Tourney. Comet Volleyball will bring a mix of veterans and newcomers to the court this season. I know Coach Lindsey Johnson is raring to go in full force in a few days here.

Comet Football will begin their 2015 campaign at home on August 29th, versus the University of Saint Mary, at the friendly confines of Jerome Berg Field. Game time is set for 1pm. Head Coach John Haines is entering into season #2 at the helm of the Comets, and has a great recruiting class to go with it. I sure hope they light up the NSAA with some big plays and wins. I personally can’t wait to camp out on the west end of Jerome Berg Field and catch the games at home this fall! (Who needs box seats, when you can bring your own chair and get a great end-zone view, right?)

Comet Territory should be covered in a sea of Blue & White that day, as another activity, the Comet Athletic Club’s Sportsmen’s Raffle, takes place that evening. The CAC Sportsmen’s Raffle is the largest fundraiser of the year for Comet Athletics. This unique event has a 60 firearm giveaway raffle, with only 600 tickets sold for the event at $100 each. Raffle attendees who purchase the $100 tickets will have a 1 in 10 chance of taking home a hunting firearm that evening. Numerous side raffles will take place, as well as the raffle for a Polaris Ranger ATV. Tickets on the ATV are for $20 each. New this year will be “Captain Comet’s Scramble” game, with 6 players on a small football field. Players can be bought for $10 each, with $30 paid out for the winning player who crosses the end zone first. 2 dice will determine which player moves, and then how many spaces they move forward. It will be a fun game to try out during the social hours before the raffle and presentations start in the evening.

Tickets for both the gun raffle and the ATV raffle can be purchased online at:

Other dates to keep in mind as big events for Comet Athletics:

Sept 5th: Rivalry game versus Valley City State at home! See you at 1pm for the kickoff!

Sept 12th: Farmers Bowl game and activities throughout the day (5K, parade, hot dog/corn feed, auction), this game is set for 1pm at home as well, versus Trinity Bible College.

Oct 17th: MSU Homecoming versus University of Jamestown, at 2pm. Hall of Fame inductions will also take place this weekend, honoring our Comet legends!

Around The Orbit: Other Things Happening at Cometville

Other happenings on campus include the Fieldhouse’s renovation project, which includes the new Human Performance Center & Lab, new office spaces for faculty and coaches, plus new classroom space in the former site of the ’29 Gym. Demolition of the ’29 Gym began in late April, with much progress being made since then to improve our Lewy Lee Fieldhouse and the resources it needs for education and athletics.

Parts of the old gymnasium floor were reclaimed and are being sold in approximately 2’ x 1’ sections. A lot of the floor went quickly, but there are still some sections left to purchase through the Mayville State Bookstore. Grab your piece of Comet History here:

Incoming students for Fall 2015 semester have already registered for fall classes this past June during summer orientation days. I even made a visit to say hello and greet the new Comets on campus those days. Those who couldn’t make it from far away are also registering over the phone with advisors over the last few weeks, too. Move-In Day on campus will be Saturday, August 22nd at Noon, with another Orientation Day on Monday, August 24th. Classes officially begin that evening on campus with the first full day of classes happening on August 25th. There will be plenty of activities for the students to do on campus that first week.

Until next time, Comet Faithful: “It’s A Great Day To Be A Comet!” #GDTBAC

  • Captain Comet